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PRP Plasma Rich Platelet

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PRP Plasma Rich Platelet

PRP Plasma Rich Platelet

PRP Plasma Rich Platelet, also known as “vampire lifting”, more and more often used in aesthetic medicine. Platelet-rich plasma contains cells and growth factors from your own blood, thanks to which you can create your own individual “elixir of youth”. Plasma Complex stimulates our skin cells to produce type III collagen, characteristic of very young skin, it is absolutely natural and biocompatible with your body. The treatment is intended for both women and men (of various ages).
The treatment is 100% natural – no risk of intolerance, 100% safe – no allergies and 100% autologous.
The most important growth factors for facial skin regeneration activated in platelet-rich plasma include:

EFG – stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, which constitute the largest group of cells in the epidermis.

VEGF – stimulates the processes of angiogenesis (formation of blood vessels) and activates microcirculation.

PDGF – responsible for the differentiation of stem cells, stimulates the synthesis of the intercellular matrix.

TGF – stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen.

Vitamins, oligoelements, oligopeptides, oxidative enzymes – including protection against free radicals.

Indications for Plasma treatment:


In order to collect the platelet-rich plasma from your blood, a routine blood draw will be performed.
The blood is then placed into a machine called a centrifuge, which will spin to separate the platelets from the other blood components.
Once the platelets are separated, they are collected and applied to the treatment area. This is done linearly, along a selected fold or wrinkle, or by using a classic mesotherapy technique


After treatments with PRP platelet-rich plasma, we achieve the effects of skin regeneration and revitalization. The treatments improve the density and tension of the skin, nourish and regenerate it, and improve its colour. Treatments using platelet-rich plasma are one of the most effective treatments in the fight against baldness. The use of mesotherapy with the platelet-rich plasma allows to significantly thicken your hair and improve its quality, because the plasma nourishes the scalp and stimulates it to work.



Avoid the following for at least 1 week prior to treatment:
2. Ensure that you have not used Accutane in the past 6 months.
3. Hydrate well the day before and the day of the procedure for ease of blood draw.


During the first 24 hours you should avoid:
 Cream with Arnica can be applied to minimise bruising.
PRP Therapy Recovery Timeline:

Day 1: Skin can appear little red.

Day 2: Skin can remain pink. Sometimes swelling and bruising may increase on this day.

Days 3 to 5: Skin can be pinkish, often back to normal.

You will begin to see improvements in the overall texture and tone shortly after your treatment, but the overall effects take up to 2- 3 months, for optimal improvement.

New collagen formation takes 4-6 weeks to develop.
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